Questions and Answers With a Warrensburg Ticket Lawyer

If you have a speeding ticket pending in Warrensburg Town Court, give our New York traffic ticket lawyers a call to learn how we can save you time, money, and points on your license.
About Our Firm: We have over 30 years of legal experience and we have helped thousands of drivers save time, money, and points on their license. Our ticket defense practice is led by a former prosecutor with the knowledge and skill to quickly assess the strength and weaknesses of the prosecutions case. Thereby, giving you the best possible defense. We can be reached at 800-893-9645.
What Types of Cases Can be Heard in Warrensburg?Warrensburg is a court of local jurisdiction. It has the power to adjudicate certain types of civil, criminal and traffic cases. The civil cases are often called small claims cases and involve claims up to $3,000.00 in controversy. An example of some civil cases can include landlord tenant evictions, contract disputes, and zoning violations. It can also adjudicate non-felony criminal and traffic tickets.
What are Some Examples of a Higher Court?There are many higher courts. Some examples are County Courts, Family Court, City Court, and the Supreme Court. For the most part, cases filed in these courts cannot be filed in a Town or Village Court.
Who Prosecutes Speeding Tickets Issued by the New York State Police?The District Attorney’s Office prosecutes moving violation issued by the State Police. Note, the State Police are not the only law enforcement agency with the power to issue a speeding ticket. These other law enforcement bodies may retainer prosecutorial power over their own cases.
Besides the State Police What Other Police Agencies Can Issue a Speeding Ticket?There are many police agencies with concurrent jurisdiction in Warrensburg. Some of these police agencies can include but not limited State Police, County Police/County Sheriff, Town Police, and Park Police.
What Can You Tell Me About the Judges?Each person sworn in as judge takes an oath of office. They are sworn to uphold the laws and rules of the State of New York to the best of their ability.
A local court judge is responsible for the day to day operation of the court. They oversee the court’s calendar, monies, and more. Some of these responsibilities are delegated to the Court Clerk. The court clerk maintains regular office hours, sends out correspondence, collects fine monies, and helps answer routine questions for litigants.
Does the Judge Have the Power to Negotiate and Reduce my Ticket?In general, it is not the judge’s role to reduce a ticket. The prosecutor or their designee has the power to amend or reduce the charges. The judge has the power to accept or reject the negotiated plea.
How Much Does it Cost to Lift a Suspension Off My License?A suspension lift fee is $70.00 per ticket. The price may be lower depending on the date in which the ticket was issued.
What is the Jurisdictional Requirement to File a Small Claims Case in Warrensburg?There are many requirements to obtain jurisdiction for a small claims case in this court. One of the most important requirements is that the individual being sued must live within the Town and the paperwork to file must be picked up in person.
How do I Hire Your Firm to Fight My Traffic Ticket?That’s easy. Give us a call at 800-893-9645 and ask for your confidential consultation with one of our attorneys. If you would like to hire our firm, we will email you everything you need.
Once Your Law Firm is Hired, Do I Have to Appear in Warrensburg Court?You stay home and let us fight the ticket for you!
We Can Help. Call Us Today at 800-893-9645: Here is a list of some common charges were have helped our client’s fight.
- Speeding under VTL § 1180 (b)
- Speeding under VTL § 1180 (d)
- Cell Phone under VTL § 1225
- Child Seatbelt under VTL § 1229
- Failure to Move Over under VTL § 1144-A
- Failure to Signal under VTL § 1163
- Following Too Closely under VTL § 1129
- Operating Without Insurance under VTL § 319
- Red Light under VTL § 1111
- Stop Sign Violation under VTL § 1172
- Suspended License Operation under VTL § 511.1 (Misdemeanor)
- Unsafe Lane Change under VTL § 1128
How do I Retain You?
What is the Real Cost of a Speeding Ticket in NY?
Finding the Best Ticket Lawyer
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