Poughkeepsie Criminal Defense Lawyers

Poughkeepsie City Court has the power to adjudicate legal matters ranging in size and scope. It has the power to resolve monetary disputes such as landlord tenant cases and contract disputes. It also has the power to hear criminal matters. It has unlimited jurisdiction over misdemeanor cases such as Assault in the 3rd Degree, Criminal Mischief in the 5th Degree, and Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle in the 3rd Degree.
About the Court:
When you arrive in City Court, remember that the recording of court proceedings is prohibited and all electronic devices must be turned off. Once you enter the court, you be asked to walk through a metal detector. You may be subject to a search and as such, it is important to use your best judgment when bringing anything to court.
About the City:
Poughkeepsie is a municipality located in Dutchess County New York. It is the county seat which means it the main political hub for the county. The City is approximately 50 miles from the tip of New York City and is a few miles south of Albany.
Is a police officer required to appear in court for an arraignment?
No. A police officer or witness only needs to provide the prosecutor with corroboration but does not need to appear in court until the later stages of a criminal case.
Can I get time to pay a court fine?
Most courts require payment of a fine to be paid at the same day a case is resolved.
How much jail time can be given on a class A misdemeanor?
A class A misdemeanor carries a maximum 1 year jail sentence.
We defended clients charged with the following:
- Speeding tickets, suspended licenses and other traffic violations
- Serving alcohol to a minor and other violations of the Alcoholic Beverages Control (ABC) Law
- Driving while intoxicated (DWI)
- Drug charges, including possession, manufacture, cultivation and sales of narcotics
- Weapons or firearms violations
- Assault
- Domestic violence
- Homicide, murder and manslaughter
- "White-collar" crimes
If you have been charged with a crime contact our firm at
800-893-9645 as soon as possible.
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