VTL Misdemeanors

Under the New York State Vehicle Traffic Law you can be charged with a crime. As such, you could be arrested by the police, sentenced to a term of incarceration, and hundreds of dollars in fines. In addition, a conviction of the charge may follow you and affect you employment or personal life for many years. The following is a list of common misdemeanors charges issued under the NYS VTL.
- VTL §306(e) Production of a Fake Certificate of Inspection
- VTL §319.2 Production of an Invalid Insurance ID Card
- VTL §340(a) Failure to Surrender License and Evidences of Registration
- VTL §375(1) Equipment Violation. Inadequate Brakes
- VTL §511.1(a) Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the 3rd Degree
- VTL §511.2 (a) Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the 2nd Degree
- VTL §512 Operation While Registration or Privilege is Suspended or Revoked
- VTL §600.2(a) Leaving the Scene of a Personal Injury Accident
- VTL §1182 Unauthorized Speed Contest
- VTL §1212 Reckless Driving
This not meant to be exhaustive list. To learn more, call now for a free telephone consultation at 800-893-9645.