Parents Providing Alcohol to Minors

Alcoholic Beverage Control Law §65-b(1)(c)
Our firm represents clients who are charged with attempting to obtain alcohol with fake identification, such as a false or fraudulent written evidence of age or presenting another’s person written evidence of age. The sentence imposed for this crime is a fine and/or community service. The court may also require the completion of an alcohol awareness program.
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law §65-b(3)
Our firm represents clients who are charged with altering their driver’s license in an attempt to purchase alcohol. The sentence imposed for this crime is suspension of the driver’s license for 90 days.
Underage Persons Charged with Possession of Alcohol with Intent to Consume
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law §65-c
Our firm represents clients who are under the age of 21 and who possess an alcohol beverage with the intent to consume. The sentence imposed for this crime is a fine, completion of an alcohol awareness program and/or up to 30 hours of community service. The police officer or peace officer may confiscate and dispose of such alcohol. The law only permits the issuance of an appearance ticket, not a formal arrest. This charge is a violation, which will not give the person a criminal record.
Exceptions include:
• Required education curriculum where alcohol is used for instructional purchased
• Alcohol provided by person’s parent or guardian
Parents Charged with Providing Alcohol to Underage Persons
Alcohol Beverage Control Law §65
Our firm represents parents who have been charged with providing alcohol to a person under the age of 21, other than their own child. The sentence for this crime is 1 year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. The parent may also be held civilly liable for property damage, physical injury or death which results from the underage child’s alcohol consumption.
Additionally, a parent may not purchase alcohol for their child to consume while within a bar or restaurant licensed by the New York State Liquor Authority.
Call now to set up your confidential consultation at 800-893-9645.
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