Introduction to NY Foreclosure Law

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n today’s unpredictable economy, any single setback in life can threaten your home with foreclosure. We have seen many families face foreclosure from the loss of a job or a sudden illness. Your home is probably your most precious asset and the thought of losing your home can be terrifying. Our mortgage foreclosure defense firm has been helping distressed families for years. We may be able to help you. Give us a call at 800-893-9645 and ask for a confidential consultation.
Can I defend my own foreclosure case?
Maybe, but why would you risk losing your home to anyone that is inexperienced. You should go with the most experienced legal team to give you the best chance of staying in your home.
If I screw up my foreclosure defense, can you help me later down the road? (Does NY have a redemption period?)
A foreclosure action can be severe. In general, New York does not have a statutory redemption period. In other words, there is a good chance that you will not have an opportunity to regain your home once the sale is complete.
How will a foreclosure affect my credit?
A foreclosure will usually remain on your credit report for years. This will prevent you from obtaining another mortgage, getting credit, or buying a car.
Isn’t it in the best interest of the mortgage company to bail me out the way that the government has bailed out Wall Street?
In recent years, mortgage companies have gained a reputation as being increasingly difficult to deal with. Quite often, they will provide you with documents with legal implications that are not easy to understand. You should never sign or handle a document you don’t understand. You should contact our attorneys who are experienced in reviewing, handling, and interpreting the myriad of forms contained in a mortgage foreclosure proceeding.
The laws dealing with mortgages and foreclosures are complex. You should trust your case to competent legal counsel. Don’t wait until it is too late; Call us right away for a confidential consultation at 800-893-9645. Send us an email.
Foreclosure Defense in Long Island
FAQ's Regarding Foreclosure Defense
Overview of the Foreclosure Process
Mandatory Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement Conferences
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