Fight Your Catskill Ticket & Save Money

Our Catskill Town Court lawyers have successfully fought thousands of speeding tickets and moving violations. If you have a ticket returnable to the Catskill Traffic Court, give us a call at 800-893-9645 to schedule your free confidential consultation.
The Catskill region of New York is famous for its beautiful scenery and outdoor activities. It is unfortunate that some drivers en route to family vacations, summer camp, or an outdoor adventure find themselves on the wrong side of an expensive speeding ticket.
Points: When a driver is given a ticket, they want to quickly determine how many points there are facing. On a ticket issued by the New York State Police, this information is completely left off the ticket. This chart will quickly help you assess your exposure to points against your privilege to drive.
Speeding | Points |
01 to 10 mph over the limit | 3 |
11 to 20 mph over the limit | 4 |
21 to 30 mph over the limit | 6 |
31 to 40 mph over the limit | 8 |
More than 40 mph over the limit | 11 |
The first thing any driver should do upon receiving a ticket is file a timely Answer to the charge. It is important to read the instructions on the ticket and follow them accordingly. Failure to follow the instructions can result in a driver having their license suspended.
Where is the Court Located?Catskill Traffic Court is located at 441 Main Street in Catskill, New York. Its postal zip code is 12414. It is located in Greene County.
What are the Business Hours for Catskill Town Court?The court is open five days a week and the court clerks can be reached from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
When is Court Held?Court is in session every Thursday. When court is in session, the court clerk’s office is closed. Note, court can also be held on an as needed basis. For example, a defendant can be arraigned at midnight if the circumstances warranted such action.
How Many Judges Sit in Traffic Court?The court employs two part time judges that preside over a wide variety of cases. They preside over both civil and criminal cases. The judges alternate court calendars.
What Kind of Civil Cases are Heard in Catskill?Catskill is a court of limit jurisdiction. Civil cases are limited to cases involving up to $3,000.00 in controversy. In order to have jurisdiction in this court, the defendant must either maintain a business in the town or reside in the town. In order to file a small claims case, a plaintiff must file the appropriate paperwork with the court and pay the appropriate fees. The filing fees can range from $10.00 - $15.00 depending on the case in controversy.
About Our Firm: Our law firm has over 30 years of legal experience and we are led by a former prosecutor. We have been recognized as some of the finest lawyers in the State. Join the thousands of drivers that have saved time, money and points on their license with our traffic ticket defense firm. Call our former prosecutor at 800-893-9645 and ask for a confidential consultation today.
We Can Help. Call Us Today at 800-893-9645: Here is a list of some common charges were have helped our client’s fight.
- Speeding under VTL § 1180 (b)
- Speeding under VTL § 1180 (d)
- Cell Phone under VTL § 1225
- Child Seatbelt under VTL § 1229
- Failure to Move Over under VTL § 1144-A
- Failure to Signal under VTL § 1163
- Following Too Closely under VTL § 1129
- Operating Without Insurance under VTL § 319
- Red Light under VTL § 1111
- Stop Sign Violation under VTL § 1172
- Suspended License Operation under VTL § 511.1 (Misdemeanor)
- Unsafe Lane Change under VTL § 1128
How do I Retain You?
What is the Real Cost of a Speeding Ticket in NY?
Finding the Best Ticket Lawyer
What to Expect in Traffic Court
Top Reasons to Hire a Traffic Lawyer
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