What to you can expect when fighting a speeding ticket in Rye City Court

Hiring an experienced attorney to fight your speeding ticket in Rye City Court can make all the difference in the prosecution and defense of you speeding ticket, moving violation, or suspended license. At our law firm, we have represented hundreds of drivers in Rye City Court and the surrounding neighborhoods. We use our experience to fight for you and deliver the best possible outcome.
We excel at getting tickets either dismissed or reduced. As such, we have gained a reputation as being some of the best attorneys in Westchester County.
How can your firm help me?
Upon being retained our office will contact the court and enter a plea of not guilty on your behalf. We will make any applicable demands and request a pre-trial conference. Further, we will go to court on your behalf and attempt to reach an amicable resolution with the court and prosecutor. Once you retain this firm, you will execute an authorization that will allow our attorneys to appear on your behalf. In other words, you do not come to court. You do not have to take time off from work, school, or any other obligation.
I’m not sure if my ticket is returnable in Rye City Court?
Rye City Court has jurisdiction over state and local tickets issued within its geographic area. Quite often, we defend drivers on speeding tickets issued on I-287 and I-95.
To be certain which court your ticket is pending in, we recommend that you read your ticket carefully and follow the instructions contained therein.
What can I expect when I enter the Rye City Courthouse?
When you enter Rye City Traffic Court, you will be greeted by a New York State Court Officer. The officer will instruct you to empty out your pockets and open up your bags for inspection. If you successfully pass the metal detector, you will be instructed to have a seat in the courtroom and wait for your name to be called.
Once your named is called, you will meet with either the local prosecutor or officer that issued your ticket. You will have a brief discussion regarding your matter and be advised to wait to see a judge.
Can your speeding ticket law firm appear on my behalf?
Yes. If you do not want to come to court, you can give our lawyers authorization to appear. You must sign and notarize a form provided by our attorneys. We will need the original notarized form returned to our office prior to the court appearance.
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