What to Expect When Fighting a Ticket in Mount Vernon City Traffic Court

About Our Firm: Our New York Ticket Lawyers excel at getting tickets dismissed or reduced. We have more than 20 years of legal experience and have gained a reputation among our peers as being superb lawyers. Our team of traffic defense lawyers is lead by Joseph P. Villanueva. He is a former prosecutor. Having a former prosecutor on your side can help in analyzing critical issues in your case. Call us now at 914-723-7900.
Analysis and commentary about Mount Vernon Traffic Court: Mount Vernon New York is a City located in Westchester County. It is one of the largest cities in the county containing approximately 60,000 residents. There are numerous locations where tickets are issued in the City. Many tickets are issued by the Westchester County Police along the Hutchinson River Parkway.
If you get a ticket in Mount Vernon, there are probably two different police agencies that will prosecute your moving violation. County Police handle cases on the Parkways while local Mount Vernon Police Officers prosecute their own tickets. There are a number of officers that patrol the local streets on motorcycle and keep the community safe with their vigilant eye for speeding tickets, cell phone violations, stop sign violations, and other moving violations.
If you go to court, traffic court is held on the 2nd floor of the building located at 2 Roosevelt Square. Usually, the cases are heard in Part A. The court holds traffic court sessions in both the morning and afternoon.
If you have a question regarding a moving violation, you can ask the helpful clerks are window #2. The courtrooms are usually locked prior to court being in session and drivers should be prepared to wait in the hallway.
Mount Vernon has three full time judges and one a part time judge. There is not one particular judge assigned to adjudicate only traffic matters. Each judge shares judicial authority to hear moving violations.

Benefits of Retaining our Firm
Going to court can be a time consuming and stressful proposition for many motorists. Our attorneys have been appearing in Westchester County Traffic Courts for years and can assist in alleviating your stress and help reduce the points levied against your license. By reducing your ticket, we can help save you on rising insurance costs.
We are familiar with the “ins and outs” of the Mount Vernon New York Ticket Court. We are local attorneys with offices only a few minutes away from the court. Our attorneys have excelled at getting speeding tickets, moving violations, and other traffic matters either dismissed or reduced. Under most normal circumstances, our client’s never appear in court on traffic infractions. This will saves them valuable time and time.
How many points am I facing?
Speeding | Points |
01 to 10 mph over the limit | 3 |
11 to 20 | 4 |
21 to 30 | 6 |
31 to 40 | 8 |
More than 40 | 11 |
What are the fines?
Offense | Fines |
First-time speeding offense | $45 to $600 |
One or more speeding tickets (within eighteen months) | Up to $1,575 |
Traffic Infraction | $100-$300 |
Disobey a Traffic Signal (red light) | $225-$675 |
Misdemeanor Convictions (no other penalty provided) | $200-$1,225 |
Uninspected Vehicles | $25-$200 |
Unregistered Vehicle or Trailer | $25-$200 |
Equipment Violations of Vehicle or Trailer | $0-$100 |
Surcharges | $50 - $55 |
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Traffic Ticket Fines