Wawarsing Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Receiving a speeding ticket in Wawarsing is no joke. A conviction to driving 86 mph in a 55 mph zone is enough to almost $700.00 in fines payable to the court, an additional $450.00 in penalties payable to the Department of Motor Vehicles, and much more in insurance increases. If you are a repeat offender, this ticket could result in much higher fines and a loss of driving privileges.
We can Help
Our Wawarsing speeding ticket defense attorneys have helped thousands of drivers save money, time, and points on their license. We have excelled at getting tickets either dismissed or reduced. A former New York City prosecutor leads our ticket practice. If you have a ticket, give us a call today and schedule your confidential consultation. We can be reached at 800-893-9645.
About the CourtWawarsing Town Court is a local court belonging to New York’s 3rd Judicial District. It has limited jurisdiction over civil and criminal matters. The civil cases heard in this court are commonly referred to as small claims cases. They have a jurisdictional limit of up to $3,000.00. Some typical cases heard in local court include landlord tenant cases, contract disputes, and local code enforcement violations. The court’s criminal docket is almost exclusively limited to misdemeanor cases. The court can conducted preliminary hearings for felony matters. The majority of cases heard in court are traffic matters. A typical traffic calendar will have violations of VTL 1180 (speeding), VTL 306 (inspection) and VTL 1225C (cell phone violations).
Court LocationWawarsing Town Court
108 Canal Street
PO Box 671
Ellenville, NY 12428
In general, a person ticketed for speeding has 48 hours to enter a plea by mail.
Pre-Trial ConferenceRecent amendments to the Vehicle Traffic Law included changes to VTL 1806. Under this statute, drivers in local court are allowed to have a mandatory preliminary conference. In other words, a trial cannot be held at the driver’s first court appearance.
Our Award Winning Law FirmIf you have a ticket, trust the law firm with over 30 years of legal experience. We are prepared to fight for you and obtain the best possible result for your particular case. Give us a call at 800-893-9645.