Rye AUO Suspended License Lawyers

If you are charged with a DWI or Driving with a Suspended License in Rye City Court, you should call our criminal defense lawyers at 914-723-7900.
About Our Firm: Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law has represented hundreds of criminal defendants in DWIs, suspended licenses, and other criminal matters in Westchester County.
DWI Defense: If you are charged with a DWI, you can be facing either criminal or felony charges. If you are convicted, you can be sentenced to a length jail term, probation, and pay significant fines. An adult conviction will result in a permanent criminal record which cannot be sealed.
Court Description: The Rye City Court is located adjacent to the courthouse on 21 McCullough Place. It is across the street from the post office. in the heart of downtown. The court has jurisdiction over misdemeanor matters unlawful dealing with a child under PL 260.21, unlawful obtaining communications information under PL 250.30, and unlawful using slugs in the second degree under PL170.55.
FAQsQ. I have a court date in Rye but I am out of the country and can't make it. What will happen to me?
A. It depends on your charge. Most courts will not allow you to adjourn a criminal matter. If you are charged with a traffic summons, you should call our firm. In many instances, we can resolve your matter without you having to come to court.
Q. I drive a truck from New Jersey and I didn't get a supporting deposition from the State Trooper who issued me a ticket on the Palisades Parkway. Can I get the case dismissed?
A. Failure to timely serve a supporting deposition can be grounds to dismiss a case. You should double check your papers but more often than not, state troopers issue supporting depositions at the same time they issue a ticket.
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