Port Chester DWI Lawyer and Suspended License Criminal Defense

If you are charged with a DWI or Driving with a Suspended License in Port Chester Village Court, you should call our criminal defense lawyers at 914-723-7900.
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DWI Defense: If you are charged with a DWI, you can be facing either criminal or felony charges. If you are convicted, you can be sentenced to a length jail term, probation, and pay significant fines. An adult conviction will result in a permanent criminal record which cannot be sealed.
What is Leandra’s Law?In brief, Leandra's Law mandates that Courts must order all drivers convicted of misdemeanor and felony drunk driving charges to install and maintain ignition interlock devices on any vehicles they own or operate for at least six months at their own expense, in addition to any other terms of sentence.
State | "Per Se" BAC Level | "Zero Tolerance" BAC Level | Enhanced Penalty BAC Level | "Implied Consent" Law |
New York | .08 | .02 | .18 | Yes |
About Port Chester Court: The Port Chester Village Court is located at heart of downtown Port Chester. The building is shared with the police department. It has jurisdiction over misdemeanor matters such as sexual abuse in the third degree under PL 130.55, stalking in the fourth degree under PL 120.45, and tampering with a juror in the second degree under PL 215.23. Among other things, the court also has jurisdiction over speeding and traffic tickets. The court has two part time Justices and two Court Clerks.
About Our Firm: Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law has represented hundreds of criminal defendants and ticket matters in Ossining and surrounding courts. The firm has a successful trial record. If you need an attorney in Ossining, call them at 914-723-7900.
Call our criminal defense lawyers today and ask for a confidential consultation at 914-723-7900. Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law Links
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