NY Park Police Prosecutes Tickets in Stony Point

The Stony Point Justice Court receives a large number of tickets from multiple police agencies. The Park Police is one of many law enforcement agencies with concurrent jurisdictional authority in this municipality. In our experience, a large number of tickets are issued in Stony Point State Park.
The Park Police prosecute their own tickets in court. If the Park Police Officer gives you a traffic ticket, the local prosecutor will not handle your case. Instead you will meet with the officer that issued the summons or their designee.
In our experience, public safety is paramount to the Park Police. It is important that you act respectful to the officer and carefully obey all laws while on park land.
The Park Police are a highly trained and respected law enforcement agency. The Park Police is empowered by New York State as peace officers. The New York State Park Police started out as a patrol force in 1885 in Niagara Falls. As New York State expanded its park system so did the Park Police. Today, the Park Police provide police serve all of the State parks in the State and help in other capacities from within New York City to the beaches of Long Island.
If you receive a traffic ticket in Stony Point, give us a call at 914-723-7900. Our attorneys are ready to fight for you.

About Our Firm: Our firm has years of experience fighting traffic tickets. We are experienced ticket lawyers. Our experience can help you save time, money, and points on your license. Give us a call at 914-723-7900 and ask how our speeding ticket lawyers can help.
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What are the Benefits of Retaining Your Firm? Going to court can be a time consuming and stressful proposition for many motorists. Our attorneys have been appearing in Traffic Courts for years and can assist you in alleviating your stress and help reduce the points levied against your license. By reducing your ticket, we can help save you on rising insurance costs.
We are familiar with the “ins and outs” of the court. Our attorneys have excelled at getting speeding tickets, suspended licenses cases, and other matters either dismissed or reduced. Under most normal circumstances, our client’s never appear in court on traffic infractions.
We also handle criminal defense matters.