Lawyer's Traffic Ticket Guide for North Syracuse Court

A conviction of a speeding violation usually results in a 3 to 11 point penalty, along with fines. The first thing a driver who has been convicted with a speeding violation should do is look into hiring a credible attorney.
Hiring an attorney may be very beneficial to a driver with such a conviction. An attorney can help save money on insurance increases, fines, and help reduce the amount of points. Furthermore, an attorney can help save you the time and money wasted on going to court and the time spent at court.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT IN COURTThe court is a very secure and respectable area. You should always be cordial and everyone is subject to a search. Bring all court notices you may have and all questions you have can be answered by the clerk of the court. Please be advised that no weapons of any kind are permitted into the court. In addition dress in a formal and respectable manner.
HOW MUCH ARE MY FINES?Fines for a speeding conviction can vary. For a person who was driving 86 mph on a speed zone of 65 mph, a fine of $395.00 should be paid to the court and a $300.00 fine to the Department of Motor Vehicles. In addition, there is a possible increase in insurance costs.

When convicted of a speeding violation, the points can range from 3 to 11 points. The points are based upon the driver’s speed in respect to the legal speed limit. If you are convicted of 4 or more points, it may be in your best interest to contact one of our North Syracuse Attorneys for more information.
ABOUT OUR SKILLED ATTORNEYSOur law firm has many skilled attorneys that can help you save money. Our attorneys have consistently helped many clients reduce points, money on fines, and insurance increases. In addition, our attorneys will save you time by going to court for you. Call us today, 800-893-9645
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