Mamaroneck Town Court Suspended License Lawyers

What should I do if I am charged with driving with a suspended license or DWI in Mamaroneck Town Court in Westchester County?
You should invoke your right to remain silent and retain our Mamaroneck criminal defense lawyers by calling 914-723-7900.
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Court Description: The Mamaroneck Town Court is located located at 740 W. Boston Post Road, Town Center, in Mamaroneck, NY 10543. It is centrally located in the heart of downtown. There is ample metered parking for visitors. The court has jurisdiction over misdemeanor matters such as Obscenity in the third degree under PL 235.05, Obstructing firefighting operations under PL195.15, and Obstructing governmental administration in the second degree under PL 195.05.
Demographic Information:Population (2000): 29,893
Land Area (2000): 17.326 square kilometers
Water Area (2000): 20.065 square kilometers
“Driving with a suspended license is a crime. A conviction can follow you for the rest of your life and hinder you from getting the job of your choice.”
Why Do I Need a Lawyer?The attorneys at Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law have over twenty five years of experience. We fight for our clients and work tirelessly to protect their interest.
What are Some Things I Can Do to Resolve my AUO 3rd Matter?You should go to DMV and obtain a copy of your driving record. Ask the clerk what is suspending your license and start clearing up any suspensions that you have.
Call our criminal defense lawyers today and ask for a confidential consultation at 914-723-7900.
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