Lawyer’s Traffic Ticket Guide for Lisbon Town Court

The town of Lisbon has a population of 4,102 (2010 U.S. Census), and covers almost 114 square miles in northern St. Lawrence County. The town is defined by the St. Lawrence River and the international border of Canada, at the Province of Ontario. The area is served by NY State Routes 37 and 68.
If you are reading this guide, chances are you have a speeding ticket returnable to Lisbon Town Court. If you are having difficulty making heads or tails of your situation, then this guide was created for you by our attorneys. We hope it helps you find some ease of mind in the legal arena.
We know a speeding ticket can be a daunting task; if you are looking for legal representation, give our attorneys a call today. Our attorneys can be reached at 800-893-9645.
Court Tips and TidbitsMailing Address:
Lisbon Town Court
PO Box 98
6963 County Route 10
Lisbon, NY 13658
Court is held every Tuesday, except the 5th Tuesday, at 7:00 p.m. The court office is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. except for holidays
Dress Code: While there is no official dress code, it is important that you dress neatly and always conduct yourself in a respectful manner with the court. Many judges frown upon litigants wearing shorts, open toe sandals, and other similar items.
Guilty Plea: A plea of guilty to the charge is equivalent to a conviction after trial. A conviction will not only subject the driver to a penalty but in addition the driver’s license to drive can be subject to suspension and revocation as prescribed by law.
Burden of Proof: Unlike traffic matters heard in the Traffic Violations Bureau of NYC and other parts of the State, tickets in Town and Village Courts must meet the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Many legal scholars have debated exactly what is meant by proof beyond a reasonable doubt. However, everyone agrees that it is the highest standard of proof in the US judicial system.
Things to Bring: You should bring your court notice advising you to appear in court. If you are displaced, showing the court personnel your letter may help in directing you where to go and what to do.
Getting the Legal AdvantageOur lawyers excel at getting New York traffic ticket reduced. We have over 30 years of legal experience and have gained a reputation as being superb lawyers. Our team of traffic lawyers is lead by Joseph P. Villanueva. He is a former prosecutor. Having a former prosecutor on your side can help in analyzing critical issues in your case. This can make the difference in you keep your license or having your license suspended or revoked. Call us now for your consultation at 800-893-9645
FAQsWhen are traffic ticket fines payable?
In local court, the customary practice is for drivers to pay their fines the same day they appear in court. Some judges will use their judicial discretion and allow a driver to pay a few days after the court appearance.
How will a speeding conviction affect my insurance?
There are many different things insurance companies take into consideration when they determine a driver’s insurance rate. For the most part, the algorithm used is proprietary in nature and the average driver will not be privy to this information.
Some things considered in an insurance policy can include but is not limited to a driver’s age, their accident history, the type of car driven, and any convictions to moving violations.
At a speeding ticket trial, will have an opportunity to see the radar reading?
You can make a motion to view all available discovery. If the discovery is not provided, you can make the appropriate motion to sanction the prosecution.
For more information, please visit the following links:
Traffic Ticket FAQs
Tips on Avoiding a Speeding Ticket
Top Reasons to Hire an Attorney