Lawyer’s Traffic Ticket Guide for Kiantone Town Court

The Town of Kiantone covers 18.5 square miles in southern Chautauqua County and has a population of 1,350 (2010 U.S. Census). Kiantone is situated along the banks of Conewango Creek, U.S. Route 62 and the Pennsylvania State line at Warren County. The area is also served by New York State Route 60 and County Road 380.
With highways such as New York State Route 60 and County Road 380 in Kiantone Town, many drivers often lose sight of their speedometer and find themselves facing a costly speeding ticket.
If you have received a speeding ticket in the town of Kiantone and would like legal representation, call our Chautauqua County Traffic Defense Lawyers today at 800-893-9645. We have continuously helped our clients save money, time, points and insurance increases.
Ticket InformationThe New York State Police issue traffic tickets on a “Uniform Traffic Ticket.” This is also referred to as a “UTT.” This is the form that tells you what you are charged with and how to enter a plea.
The UTT also contains other useful information such as the time of the occurrence, date of the offense, mph, description of violation, highway number, highway type, and the officer’s name.
A driver that is convicted of a speeding ticket in New York is facing 3 – 11 point violation. There is no such thing as a 1-point violation in New York. A conviction that results in points starts at a minimum o f 2 points.
Fines and PointsIf you are driving 76 mph on a 55 mph zone, this is a conviction of 6 points that can result in a fine up to $393.00 dollars payable to the court. Typically, a second fine will be imposed within 60 days of the conviction. This fine is a minimum of $300.00 and it is payable to the Department of Motor Vehicles. It is technically called the Driver's Responsibility Assessment. Finally, a conviction to a speeding ticket greater than 15 miles an hour can place an otherwise clean driver in a position to receive significant insurance increases. For some drivers, their insurance company may drop them as a client or raise the rates hundreds of dollars.
Note, insurance costs can vary for two very similar situated drivers. A speeding conviction is not the only factor taken under consideration by insurance companies. They will also examine things such as a driver’s age, type of car driven, and car accident history.
Speeding Tickets Tips and TidbitsCourt tip: One of the worst things you can do is to ignore your ticket. Failure to Answer a ticket can result in a suspension of a driver's privilege to drive. If a driver is caught driving with a suspended license a police officer may arrest the driver and charge them in a criminal act.
Driving with a suspended license is a crime. If a driver is pulled over, the police can impound the car and place the driver under arrest.
FAQsIf a plea of guilty is entered by mail, does the fine need to be paid at the same time?
In general, when a driver mails the court their guilty plea, the court will send back a letter with the fine amount with a date certain to pay the fine. If the driver does not get a response in 5 business days, the driver should call the court to follow up on the status of their ticket.
I received a ticket from a State Trooper and I was given a trial date to appear in court. Will I have an opportunity to meet to plea bargain this case?
It all depends. In general, according to VTL 1806, a driver is supposed to have a mandatory pre-trial conference. However, depending on the stage your case is in, you may have waived the pre-trial conference.
Can’t every speeding ticket be dismissed or resolved with zero points?
Every case is unique. Every court is unique. It is difficult to make a blanket statement with regard the ultimate resolution of a legal matter.
About Our FirmAt Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law, we have consistently helped our client reduce their exposure to costly fines, points, and insurance increases. In so doing, we have gained a reputation as some of the best lawyers in New York.
Call us now at 800-893-9645 to see how our lawyers can do the same for you.
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