Lawyer’s Traffic Ticket Guide for Fowler Town Court

The town of Fowler, which includes the Village of Fine, sits in St. Lawrence County within Adirondack State Park, alongside the borders of Lewis and Herkimer Counties, and covers 169.4 square miles (2010 U.S. Census). The State University of New York (SUNY) – Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) Ranger School (Est. 1912) is located east of town, along the Oswegatchie River. The town has a population of 1,512 and is served by New York State Routes 3 and 58, which intersect near the village.
New York State Routes 3 and 58 have many open stretches of road which make it easy for drivers to lose sight of their speedometer. Further complicating things is the rolling topography and the changing speed limits. With such factors, a driver can find themselves against a hefty speeding ticket.
If you have a speeding ticket in the town of Fowler, then this guide was created to help you better understand your legal matter.
Our lawyers are here to help, if you would like legal representation, then give us a call today at 800-893-9645.
Court Tips and InformationCourt Address:
Fowler Town Court
87 Little York Road
Gouverneur, NY 13642
The Fowler Justice Court is in session every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., upstairs in the town hall building. The court office hours are: Tuesday – Thursday at 3:00 p.m. and a drop box is located near the backdoor ramp for after-hours documents. The Town Clerk’s office is open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with a closure during the lunch hour from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. every Monday – Friday except for holidays.
Tip: It is always a good policy to come to court early. If you are late there is a possibility your case could have been called in your absence.
Entering a Not Guilty Plea: If a driver enters a plea of not guilty, the court will send them a letter advising them to come to court. At this court appearance, the driver will have an opportunity to present their the strength and weakness of their case. Typically, the first appearance is not a trial date so coming prepared to argue the full case may be moot.
Lay of the Land: Immediately prior to entering the court, you will be asked to walk through a magnetometer and asked to turn off all electronic devices. The court is secured by special court attendants. These officers help facilitate the court process and one of their key function is to note attendees who arrive to court.
Prosecutor: For the most part, tickets are prosecuted by the District Attorney’s Office. This is the same office which prosecuted criminal cases such as misdemeanor drug possession and felony assault.
Tickets: The New York State Police issue traffic tickets on a “Uniform Traffic Ticket.” This is also referred to as a “UTT.” This is the form that tells you what you are charged with and how to enter a plea.
Fines and PointsIf you are driving 76 mph on a 55 mph zone, this is a conviction of 6 points that can result in a fine up to $393.00 dollars payable to the court. Typically, a second fine will be imposed within 60 days of the conviction. This fine is a minimum of $300.00 and it is payable to the Department of Motor Vehicles. It is technically called the Driver's Responsibility Assessment. Finally, a conviction to a speeding ticket greater than 15 miles an hour can place an otherwise clean driver in a position to receive significant insurance increases. For some drivers, their insurance company may drop them as a client or raise the rates hundreds of dollars.
Speeding ticket points will range from 3-11 points, for a more detailed outlook please look at the chart below:
Speeding | Points |
01 to 10 mph over the limit | 3 |
11 to 20 | 4 |
21 to 30 | 6 |
31 to 40 | 8 |
More than 40 | 11 |
Please note, once a driver receives 11 points, their driving license will get suspended. It is a crime to drive with a suspended license. If you possess a suspended license and are pulled over; the officer can arrest you and impound your car.
About Our FirmOur law firm has been fighting on behalf of drivers just like you. We have helped hundreds of drivers reduce their exposure to points on their license, fines, and insurance increases. If you would like to save money, give our attorneys a call today at 800-893-9645.
For more information, please visit the following links:
Traffic Ticket FAQs
Tips on Avoiding a Speeding Ticket
Top Reasons to Hire an Attorney