Lawyer’s Traffic Ticket Guide for Coeymans Town Court

The Town of Coeymans is situated in southeastern Albany County, south of Albany, the capital of the State of New York. The area was first settled by an immigrant from Holland. The town borders Greene County, and lies along the banks of the Hudson River, which serves as the border of Rensselaer County. U.S. Route 9W and Interstate 87 pass through town.
Have you received a speeding ticket that is returnable to Coeymans Town Court? Are you having difficulty making heads and tails of the situation? Then this guide is for you, our attorneys have put this together to help you find some ease of mind in the legal arena.
If you would like legal representation, call us now at 800-893-9645.
Court InformationCourt Address:
Coeymans Town Court
18 Russell Avenue
Ravena, NY 12143
The court clerk office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Court is in session on Thursday at 9:00 a.m. for vehicle and traffic matters, plus civil and small claims issues.
Dress Code: There is no official dress code that is enforced, but the court is a place of respect. As such, we advise that you present yourself in a respectful manner. Formal wear is highly recommended, many judges frown upon those individuals who come to court in shorts, open-toe sandals, or other similar items.
Security: Upon entering the court, you will be asked to walk through a magnetometer for security reasons. Please turn all electronic devices off and dispose of all food and drinks prior to entering the court.
Burden of Proof: Unlike traffic matters heard in the Traffic Violations Bureau of NYC and other parts of the State, tickets in Town and Village Courts must meet the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Many legal scholars have debated exactly what is meant by proof beyond a reasonable doubt. However, everyone agrees that it is the highest standard of proof in the US judicial system.
Tip: It is important that you notify the court clerk located in front of the courtroom. Failure to checking in with the court clerk could result in your case not being called.

Is the date on the front of my ticket my court date?
Ultimately, the date on the front of your ticket may be your court date but for the most part, it is your respond by date.
Why did they court not accept my plea of guilty by mail?
It is the court’s right to require a driver to appear in court. Some circumstance for which they may require a driver to appear can include an unusually high speed or criminal charges being levied against a defendant.
Aren’t speeding tickets a pure money grab for small municipalities?
Many public officials around the United States have denounced the belief that speeding tickets are issued to raise revenue. Public officials have consistently stated that tickets are a way to hold public safety their highest priority.
Getting the Legal AdvantageOur highly skilled team of lawyers is lead by former New York City prosecutor, Joseph Villanueva; giving you the unique advantage of discussing your case from the defense attorney as well as the prosecutor’s side.
We have over 30 years of experience and have consistently saved our clients money on fines, points on their license, and hundreds of dollars on insurance increases. In addition, we will also go to court for you, saving you the time to travel to and from court and the time wasted waiting in court.
Call us today for your consultation at 800-893-9645.
For more information, please check out the following links:
Traffic Ticket FAQs
Tips on Avoiding a Speeding Ticket
Top Reasons to Hire an Attorney
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