Lawyer's Traffic Ticket Guide for Delaware Town Court

The Town of Delaware is located in western Sullivan County, and borders both the Delaware River and Wayne County, Pennsylvania to the west. The hamlet of Hortonville is located east of Callicoon. The Stone Arch Bridge was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. The area is served by County Route 121 and New York State Routes 17B and 97
With these highways come many open stretches of road where drivers easily lose sight of the speed limit. In addition, the speed limit is rapidly changing along with the topography. If a driver doesn’t keep an uber vigilant eye on the speedometer, he or she can find themselves facing a hefty speeding ticket.
If you are having trouble making heads or tails of your speeding ticket, then this guide was created for you. This guide is to help you familiarize yourself with your legal matter and help you get some ease of mind.
For a consultation with our experienced team of lawyers, call us at 800-893-9645 to see how we can help you save money, points and insurance increases.
Court Facts and Tips
Mailing Address:
Delaware Town Court
PO Box 129
104 Main Street
Hortonville, NY 12745
Justice Court is held every Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall.
Tip: The court is a place of respect, after entering the court all litigants will be asked to walk through a magnetometer for security reasons. Please leave all sharp objects at home and turn off all electronic devices. Also be advised to dress in a formal and respectable manner. The judge frowns upon many litigants if they are wearing shorts, open-toe sandals, or other such articles.
If Found Guilty: If you are found guilty of speeding, there are many different ways in which it may affect you. This can include but is not limited to fines payable to the court, penalties payable to the Department of Motor Vehicles, insurance increases, and incarceration.
FAQsIf a plea of guilty is entered by mail, does the fine need to be paid at the same time?
In general, when a driver mails the court their guilty plea, the court will send back a letter with the fine amount with a date certain to pay the fine. If the driver does not get a response in 5 business days, the driver should call the court to follow up on the status of their ticket.
Do I have to testify at a traffic trial?
In local criminal court, you are innocent until proven guilty. You are not required to testify at your trial.
How will a speeding conviction affect my insurance?
There are many different factors insurance companies take into consideration when they determine a driver’s insurance rate. For the most part, the algorithm used is proprietary in nature and the average driver will not be privy to this information.
Other factors may include but are not limited to the drivers age, accident history, the car driven, and any other convictions to moving violations.
Hiring an AttorneyHiring our law firm can give you a great legal advantage. Not only have we helped countless clients reduce their fines, points on their license, and insurance increases; we have a highly skilled team that offers you nothing but high quality legal services.
Our team of attorneys is lead by a former New York City prosecutor, who can help you analyze your case from both the prosecutor’s side as well as a defense attorney’s side. With such a legal advantage we can help pinpoint your strengths and weakness to help resolve your matter.
Call us today for your consultation at 800-893-9645.
For further information, be sure to check out the following links: Traffic Ticket FAQs
Tips on Avoiding a Speeding Ticket
Top Reasons to Hire an Attorney