Honeoye Falls Village Court

Traffic tickets are no laughing matter. No one wants to receive a speeding ticket or cell phone violation. Not only are they annoying, but they are also costly.
In today's world of increased costs, a conviction can costs you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in insurance increases and court costs. The repercussions can follow you for years to come.
The Village of Honeoye Falls (Pop. 2,674/2010 U.S. Census) lies within the town of Mendon, in Monroe County, New York. Honeoye Creek runs through the village, which lies east of Interstate 390 (Genesee Expressway), south of Interstate 90 (New York State Thruway) and north of U.S. Route 20. The village offices are adjacent to where East Street meets State Route 65 (Ontario Street). County Route 243 runs concurrently with East Street.
Court Tips and Tidbits
Honeoye Falls Village Court
5 East Street
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
The village offices are open Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Court convenes the 1st Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.
Court tip: if you are a litigant in court, it is important to remember that the court is considered a place of respect. As such, all attendees are asked to dress appropriately; turn off all electronic devices, and to leave all food and drinks outside of the court.
Court Clerk: The role of the Court Clerk is to assist the Judges in carrying out their duties. They may assist the Judges in court as well as out of court. Many clerks send letters to litigants, collect fine monies, and help answer day-to-day questions before the court.
How will a speeding conviction affect my insurance?
There are many different things insurance companies take into consideration when they determine a driver’s insurance rate. For the most part, the algorithm used is proprietary in nature and the average driver will not be privy to this information.
Some things considered in an insurance policy can include but is not limited to a driver’s age, their accident history, the type of car driven, and any convictions to moving violations.
Do I have to testify at a traffic trial?
I local criminal court, you are innocent until proven guilty. You are not required to testify at your trial.
Is the date on the front of my ticket my court date?
Ultimately, the date on the front of your ticket may be your court date but for the most part, it is your respond by date.
How many points are allowed until a license is suspended?
There are many reasons why a driver may have their privilege to drive suspended. With respect to points, a driver will suspended upon receiving 11 or more points within an 18 month period.
What happens if I fail to respond to my speeding ticket?
Failing to respond can result in your license being suspended. Driving with a suspended license can be charged as a crime. You can be arrested and subject to incarceration.
Why Should I Hire an Attorney?
There are many benefits in hiring our speeding ticket lawyers to fight your case. One of the most popular reasons is that we have consistently saved our clients time, money and points on their license. While every case is different, we fight for every client just the same. As such, we have been recognized as some of the finest lawyers in New York State.
Our team of lawyers is headed by a former NYC prosecutor and has personally defended thousands of drivers and criminal clients in his tenure. Our office has excelled at getting tickets either dismissed or reduced. You should call our office at 800-893-9645 to learn how we can help you save money, time, and points on your license.
For more information, be sure to take a look at the following links: