Fighting a Ticket in Chazy Town Court

Lawyer’s Guide to Fighting a Speeding Ticket in Chazy NY
Imagine this . . . you driving along I-87 on your way to Upstate State New York for a fun weekend with friends. When out of the blue you see the bright red and blue lights of a police car. There is no doubt this State Trooper is about to pull you over and issue you an expensive speeding ticket.
As you gasp for air and tirelessly try to slow down you heart rate, your mind starts to wander and the reality sets in – this ticket can cost me thousands of dollars in fines, penalties, time, and insurance increases.
Luckily, if you are first time, recipient of a speeding ticket, you’ve come to the right place. This webpage may provide you with some useful insight into the prosecution of traffic tickets in Chazy. And, at the end, if you believe you need legal assistance, our team of lawyers are available to help you fight this ticket in court.
About the Court
Chazy Town Court adjudicates both civil and criminal cases. The civil cases are commonly referred to as small claims cases. The criminal cases are usually misdemeanors. In addition to both civil and criminal cases are traffic cases. While the court maintains a busy civil and criminal calendar, there is no doubt that the traffic calendar is the busiest.
One contributing factor to the heavy traffic calendar is the proximity of the major highways and state routes passing through Chazy Town. Most notably, I-87 or the NYS Thruway passes through its jurisdiction.
I-87 is a long and straight highway and travels in the north and south bound direction. It connects NYC to Canada. Along this long stretch of road, it is easy for drivers to lose focus and go beyond the designated speed limit. I-87 as it passes through Chazy is mostly a 65 mph speed zone.
The court is located at 9631 State Route 9, PO Box 219, in Chazy NY. Chazy is in Clinton County. Their zip code is 12921. Clinton County is adjacent to Columbia County a few miles between Albany and NYC.
Court Procedure
There are several court protocols shared among every local court in New York State. Some common tenants include being respectful to the court, show up to court on time, and paying any court fees before the close of business. Furthermore, it is also important to note that the court is a secure facility. Anyone entering the court can be subject to a search. Using your common sense can help avoid needless delay and fuss – don’t bring drugs or alcohol to court, don’t bring a weapon to court, turn off all electronic devices.
Entering a Plea
It is noted on every UTT that a driver has 48 hours to enter a plea. The plea can be either guilty or not guilty. Regardless of what you plead, it is important to enter a timely plea. The failure to enter a plea can result in a driver’s license being suspended.
Note, driving with a suspended license is a criminal act for which a driver can be arrested and have their car impounded. Most drivers enter their plea by mail. We recommend that driver’s enter their plea via some sort of return receipt requested.
The main prosecutor for State tickets is the Columbia County District Attorney’s Office. The DA’s office is also responsible for criminal cases such as possession of a controlled substance, assault, and DWI.
What to Bring to Court
It is important to know whether or not your case is scheduled for trial. If your case is scheduled for trial, you must be prepared. You may not have the opportunity to adjourn the case to prepare.
If your case is scheduled for a pre-trial conference, it is important to bring any letters that you received from the court and any documents you would like the court to take under consideration. At the pre-trial stage, you may not have another opportunity to work out an amicable resolution. The next stop in the legal process is an adjournment for trial.
Hiring a Lawyer
Our law firm represents hundreds of drivers a year. We have excelled at getting tickets either dismissed or reduced. We have saved our client hundreds in fines and penalties and consistently reduced their exposure to insurance increases. If you need help fighting a Chazy traffic ticket, give our lawyers a call today. 800-893-9645