Fight Your Highland Traffic Ticket and Save Money

Pleading guilty to a speeding ticket in Highland Town Court could be a big mistake that could cost you thousands of dollars in fines, penalties, lost time, and insurance increases.
If you were unfortunate enough to be given a speeding ticket, give our Highland traffic ticket lawyers a call to learn how we can help you save money, time, and points on your license.
A conviction to a speeding ticket can result in as much as 3 to 11 points against a person’s license. A first time offender convicted of driving 86 mph in a 55 mph zone could be facing almost $700.00 in fines payable to the court and $450.00 more payable to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
About Our FirmOur award-winning lawyers have fought thousands of traffic matters and have gained a superb reputation among our peers. We have excelled at getting tickets either dismissed or reduced. We have been able to achieve this with keen understanding of the Vehicle Traffic Law and a keen understanding of municipal prosecutions. If you are need of legal assistance, give our Highland speeding ticket lawyers a call today and schedule your confidential consultation. We can be reached at 800-893-9645.
Trust your case to the legal team with more than 30 years of legal experience. Join the thousands of drivers that have saved money, time, and points on their license.
About The CourtHighland Town Court is a municipal court located in Sullivan County. The court has limited jurisdiction over legal matters. It is part of the 3rd Judicial District of the New York Unified Court System.
The court has jurisdiction over civil cases up to $3,000.00 in controversy. It also have jurisdiction over criminal misdemeanors. While some felony cases can be heard in this court, court action is usually limited to a felony hearing. The majority of cases filed in the court are traffic tickets. The court’s traffic court calendar can vary in nature and scope. Some cases will be inspection violations brought under VTL 306 and other will be speeding violations brought under VTL 1180.
Court LocationHighland Town Court is located at 4 Schoolhouse Road in Barryville. Its postal zip code is 12719.
Don’t get this court confused with Highlands Town Court that is located in Orange County. These are two distinct courts with different jurisdictional boundaries.
Top 3 Benefits Of Hiring Our Law Firm- If you hire our law firm, you will not be required to appear in court on a standard traffic ticket. That’s right. You can stay home while we go to court and fight your ticket.
- A former prosecutor leads our traffic ticket practice. His experience gives our firms the unique ability to quickly analyze the strength and weaknesses of a case thereby give our clients the best possible defense on their particular case.
- We have helped thousands of drivers limit their exposure to fines, penalties, and points on their license. While we cannot guarantee a specific result, we have consistently helped our clients achieve the best possible outcome on their particular case.
If you are in need of a lawyer to help you fight your Highland speeding ticket, give us a call today at 800-893-9645. Ask to speak to our former prosecutor today.