How do I Retain Your Firm for Ticket Defense?

Q. I want to hire your firm to defend my ticket. What do I do next?
Its simple.
Once you advise our office that you would like to retain our services, we will email you a one page retainer, a power of attorney type form, mitigation form, and credit card form (we also accept PayPal at your request).
Once you review the documents, fill them in as necessary, and return them to our offices via fax or email and we will begin our representation of you. Please note, we will notify you that we received the documents. So, if we do not respond, please call us to confirm that we received your papers. That’s it. Hassle Free!
About Our Firm: At Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law, we have represented motorists, families, and individuals for years. Our firm has more than 20 years of practice and we have gained a reputation as superb lawyers. Call us now at (800) 893-9645 or send us an email at Send us an email
Q. After I send you the retainer, what happens next?
Upon receipt of your papers, we will process your papers and file a notice of appearance with the court to advising them we are your lawyers. Depending on the court’s availability, we usually receive a notice to appear in court in 3-6 weeks.
As your case is pending, we will be available to discuss the progress of your case via telephone or email.
Under most normal circumstances we will go to court without you being required to appear in court. Once we are in court, we will fight to reach the best possible outcome for you.
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Traffic Ticket Fines
Suspended License
Tips on Avoiding a Ticket
Truck Traffic Tickets
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