NY Whistleblower, False Claims Act, Dodd-Frank Act, and Qui Tam Lawyers

Have you been retaliated against, re-assigned, demoted, or fired because you had the courage to report an illegal fraudulent activity to a supervisor?
If so, you may be able to get justice by filing a whistleblower case. In so doing, you can help protect the public while being in a position to earn a substantial monetary settlement.
Congress has enacted legislation to help bring those committing fraud to justice. Some causes of action can be found in the False Claims Act, Dodd-Frank Act, and other related Qui Tam and Whistleblower statutes.
To learn more, call our attorneys with more than 20 years of legal experience now for your confidential consultation. Call us at 800-893-9645.
Here are some examples of possible whistleblowing or qui tam cases:
- Medicare Fraud Whistleblower (Examples: phantom billing, double billing, charging for services not rendered, billing for unnecessary procedures, submitting false invoices, improperly using another’s Medicare number, etc.)
- Medicaid Fraud Whistleblower (Examples: billing for services not provided, overcharging for services rendered, charging for services not rendered, billing for unnecessary procedures, submitting false invoices, improperly using another’s Medicaid’s number, etc.)
- IRS Tax Fraud (Examples: non-payment and evasion of payment of federal taxes, misclassification of independent contractors and employees to avoid payment of payroll taxes, misclassifying earnings and debt to avoid payment of taxes)
- Airline Fraud Whistleblower (Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century – AIR21) (Examples: reporting airline safety violations, refusing to follow illegal orders and/or objecting to such orders, assistance in an whistleblower investigation)
- SEC,Commodities, Futures,Options,Derivatives and Trading Fraud (Examples: Deceptive and fraudulent actions that violate securities law and/or Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – FCPA, backdating stock options and other transactions.
- TARP Fraud and Economic Stimulus Fraud Whistleblower (Examples: Misusing collateral already in default or that was fraudulently transferred or misrepresenting the value of assets, making misrepresentations to obtain and keep TARP assistance, backdating transactions)
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Fraud (Examples: pharmaceutical companies providing kickbacks or other illegal incentives for doctors and medical practices to prescribe their medication, illegal distributing misbranding and adulterated drugs, overinflating sales prices, failure to follow safety regulations)
- Military Defense Contractor Fraud (Examples: Inflation of Costs and Charges, violations of Truth-In-Negotiations Act (TINA) which prohibits inflation of costs in bidding process, use of incorrect or substandard products or services, billing for services not provided)
- Commercial Motor Carrier Employee Whistleblower Protection (Examples: violations of federal safety and health regulations regarding commercial motor vehicle safety)
- Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Retaliation (Examples: reporting fraudulent activity against shareholders, reporting accounting fraud, reporting deficient internal company controls to senior management regarding fraud, reporting an employer’s improper entries on financial statements, reporting backdating of certain transactions, use of unregistered brokers in certain situations)
What is a whistleblower claim?
A whistleblower lawsuit is legal action brought by an individual on behalf of the government for some kind of substantial monetary fraud perpetrated by companies or individuals. If successful, the whistleblower will receive a percentage of money recovered by the government.
The False Claims Act enacted by Congress is the main statute by which these claims are brought. However, there are other Federal and State claims by which a case can be brought.
In general, the Federal government has 60 days to investigate a whistleblower claim. If they determine the case has merit, the government can join in on the suit.
If you have information about a fraud and want to explore your options further, call the attorneys at Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law. Our firm has more than 20 years of legal experience. Call now to set up your confidential consultation at 800-893-9645.
- NYC Whistleblower Consultation Checklist: Medicaid, Tax Fraud, SEC Violations
- NY Whistleblower Law Firm Glossary
- FAQs: Whistleblower Frequently Asked Questions
- The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act NY Law Firm
- IRS Tax Fraud Whistleblower Lawyers of NY
- Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Whistleblower Retaliation Lawyer
- Medicaid Fraud Plaintiff's Whistleblower Lawyers of New York