Hancock Town Court NY Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyers

What should I do if I am given a speeding ticket Hancock New York in Delaware County?
We recommend that you enter a plea of not guilty and contact our firm at 800-893-9645 to discuss how we can save you points on your license and money in fines.
Can you give my some local information about the court?

Hancock Town Court is located at 661 West Main Street, in Hancock, NY. Their zip code is 13783. This court is considered by lawyers to be a “local” court. It has jurisdiction over misdemeanor crimes, some civil cases and moving violations such as a speeding ticket under VTL 1180 and move over law violations under VTL 1144a.
Can you provide me with some local information about the town?
The Hancock is a bucolic town located in Delaware County, New York. It has two major interstates that run through their town. Route 17 and Route 97. These routes have been steadfastly patrolled by the State Police.
What would happen if I ignore the ticket?
The worst thing you can do is to ignore the ticket. Your failure to answer the ticket in a timely manner could result in your privilege to drive being suspended or revoked.
The fines can vary from jurisdiction. City Courts, Village Court, and Town Court have different standards upon which they impose a surcharge. Also, fines are imposed by the judge. Your fine will depend upon the nature of your charge and the judge that hears your case.
Can I really beat a speeding ticket?
Yes you can, however, it is often impractical to attempt to get your charges dismissed at trial. The judicial process can be long and arduous. You may be required to make several court appearances. In addition, after your case is tried, some charges allow the judge to impose a jail sentence.
What are the costs associated with a speeding ticket?
You may be required to pay fines to the court and fines to Albany. Your insurance rates may be increased and you may be dropped by your insurance carrier. You may be required to take off time from school or work.
Can my license be taken away from the DMV?
Your privilege to drive can be suspended or revoked for many reasons.
How will a speeding ticket affect my insurance?
Insurance increases can very among the many different companies. You can still face an insurance increase even if your ticket does not involve points. Save time . . . in most cases, you won't have to come to court.
About Our Firm: At Joseph P. Villanueva, Attorneys At Law we excel at getting tickets dismissed or reduced. We have more than 20 years of legal experience and have gained a reputation among our peers as being superb lawyers. Our team of traffic and criminal defense lawyers is lead by Joseph P. Villanueva. He is a former prosecutor. Having a former prosecutor on your side can help in analyzing critical issues in your case. This can make the difference in you keep your license or having your license suspended or revoked. Call us now at 800-893-9645.
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Our firm can be frequently found representing clients throughout Delaware County.